Monday, July 25, 2011

Alamo Public Library

I grew up in Alamo, Texas therefore this is the first city that came to my mind when I thought of a small town public library. The library is named after Sergeant Fernando de la Rosa of Alamo, Texas. Seargeant de la Rosa lost his life in 2009 in combat while serving under the Armed Forces in Afghanistan. He was only 24 years old.

Because I grew up in Alamo, I remember the days when Alamo did not have a public library. We were very excited when the library finally opened. I must have been about 15 years old but I remember being dissapointed because there were no computers. Finally the library got a hold of some used computers but some losers broke in and stole them! Ugh! How frustrating! Well, I left Alamo at the age of 22 and never again had a need to visit the library, therefore I was very surprised to see how much it has evoloved! The collection is larger and better, and they just received brand new computers! There were actually people conducting reaserach and doing homework which made me feel good! They still do not have a speciall collections section but they are working on creating one! As an Alamo native, it felt good to visit Alamo Public Library!

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