Saturday, July 23, 2011

Laredo Public Library

Exactcly one year ago my family and I moved to Laredo, Texas. Having grown up in the RGV, I thought living in Laredo was going to be very similiar to living in the Valley. I was wrong. Although the areas are only about 3 hours away, it is amazing how different they are. Laredo is known as one of the largest cities in the nation without a major book retailer. There is a large public library in the north and a branch in the south was just approved recently. Some of my coworkers were in the commitee who made this possible and it wasn't an easy task. Now, Laredo is a fairly large city and sometimes driving to these branches is imppossible for some people.

As an educator and future librarian, I feel sad that Laredo children do not have the same advantages as children in other cities.

Laredo Public Library has an extensive collection and reference area. There is a computer section with about 20 computers available to the public and a children's area. Unfortunately, I did not see study rooms or quiet areas and using the computers in the afternoon is virtually impossible as they are always taken. Overall, it is great Laredo has a main branch as big as this one but I hope more branches open up in the future. I also hope to join my coworkers in this amazing movement and make history in the city of Laredo.

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