Saturday, July 16, 2011

Museum of South Texas History

The Museum of South Texas History is located in Edinburg, Texas. I was upset at myself after visiting the museum because I cannot believe that after living in the Valley almost my entire life I never visited this amazing museum. It is so rich in history even my twelve year old daughter who admits to dislike the subject had the time of her life. Her favorite part was the old jail, of course. The museum was built out of the old Edinburg jail where one prisoner was hanged! We walked into the execution room and my daughter began to "hear" voices. She must have read the plaque that said "Old Haunted Jail" by the entrance.
Execution Room
We learned about Valley natives who faught in WWI and WWII and who gave our lives for us and our freedom. We sent messages via an old Moorse Code machine and learned how railroads affected the RGV. I became a little nostalgic when visiting this section of the mueseum because my grandfather helped build many of the railroads here in the United States back in the 40s, 50s and 60s. He worked as north as Colorado and Utah and had amazing stories about his experiences.

We also visited the Casimiro Perez-Alvarez exhibit. He was a U.S. Marshall from Starr County who always strived to make the RGV a better place.

Overall, our visit was educational and very fun. I'm happy Valley natives have such amazing places to visit with their families.

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