Monday, July 11, 2011

Juarez Lincoln Elementary

After taking School Library Administration during the summer, my eyes look for certain criteria when I visit a library. No longer am I swept away by cute posters or pretty wall colors.. Don't take me wrong, these factors are important in a library but now, when I visit a library, the Texas standards take over my brain. Maybe this isn't a good thing but in a way, I believe it allows me to view a library as a place with potential. When I visit a library I look at the setup. I pay attention to the amount of computers available for the students and whether or not there is a quiet area. Juarez Lincoln Elementary meets many of the standards but unfortunately they do not have many of the reccomended areas such as a puppet theatre, a quiet area, or a media center. With that said, I must point out they have a great collection and an excellent librarian who attenpts to do the best with what is at hand.

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